Erin Lee

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Al hacer una sola compra de al menos 15€ puedes dejar una reseña o un simple comentario.
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Avru*** los 17/09/2018 alle 10:34 escribe
Very sexy and beautiful Woman... Kiss!!!
hand*** los 16/07/2018 alle 17:40 escribe
What a fantastic lady, bright witty,sexy - such a pleasure to spend time with - xxx
Hotc*** los 06/07/2018 alle 00:16 escribe
Amazing milf.....she is very pretty and lovely....
Erin Lee responde
wow thankyou, I did not realise they have reviews on here....such kind words and I do enjoy havin fun in shows and enjoying your time xxxx
bitt*** los 20/05/2018 alle 21:19 escribe
what a nice sexy girl she is...and beside it very gentle polite and nice to talk with!the kind of person that makes u feel good,,,ty erin
Erin Lee responde
I only just found these, wow thankyou you are welcome I enjoy every minute of conversation and playing xxxx